
So What's This Blog About?

Hi! This blog, entitled " Kadena Okinawa Temple and Family History",  is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints   but is meant to be a source of tips and inspiration related to temple and family history work. I'll try to share tidbits I learn from time to time--mostly related to --and hope you will find them useful. Also, since plans to construct the Okinawa Japan Temple were officially announced , I'll try to give periodic updates and other news regarding the temple. (Hopefully anyone looking for info on "LDS temples",  "Latter-day Saint temples",  or "Mormon temples" will find their way to this blog.) If something posted seems off or doesn't quite make sense, please forgive me. I'm still figuring this out myself. 😃 (Feel free to pass me feedback.) If you are looking for related information on social media, you might try the following hashtags: #okinawatemple #okinawajapantem...

Okinawa Temple Construction Update 12 (May 2, 2021)

 The tall heavy equipment that appeared last month is now spread out across the temple site and large piles of dirty almost as high as the surrounding fence are now present:

Okinawa Temple Construction Update 11 (April 2021)

 Over the last month (April), there was a jump in activity and changes at the temple site. In the first week of April, a digger re-appeared but no significant changes were noted: During the second week of April, metal panel flooring expanded: During the third week of April, the site looked similar until several large and tall pieces of heavy equipment appeared in the middle and front of the site:

Okinawa Temple Construction Update 10 (March 26, 2021)

The machinery that showed up at the Okinawa Japan Temple site last week is now gone and the site looks more cleaned up in general. About one fourth of the site is now covered by some sort of paneling, though it isn't clear if the paneling is made of wooden planks or metal sheets.

Okinawa Temple Construction Update 9 (March 21, 2021)

More steady progress on the Okinawa Japan Temple this week. Some additional machinery was brought to the site along with some heavy barrels which appear to hold water or some other liquid. More rubble piles are visible and now some boards or plates appear to have been laid out.

Personal Review of RootsTech 2021

  RootsTech 2021  was awesome! I participated in a few different portions of the conference: group session for German family history individual session for family history strategy temple and family history instruction (handle separately) various tutorial videos (Korean/German family history research) keynote addresses I was blown away by how much specialized information was available across a variety of topics and regions and how much I was able to learn during the conference. I went into the conference as a real novice and gained tons of insights into how to do German family history research as well a whole slew of new resources--including several websites and various working-aids--that I can use to research gaps in my family tree and discover new names. I felt empowered after learning from professional genealogists. I'm excited to dig in and use my new resources and leverage my new knowledge; I'm sure both will help me for years to come. I am SOOO glad I choose to participat...

Okinawa Temple Construction Update 8 (March 14, 2021)

A little more earth was torn up this week and you can now see small flags inserted into the ground, presumably to mark where the foundation will be or otherwise aid future construction.  Additionally, there's a new notice to passersby about the temple. The notice specifically mentions that visitors will be able to tour the temple once construction is complete. (Let's all remember to invite our neighbors!)

Okinawa Temple Construction Update 7 (March 7, 2021)

It has been three months since the Okinawa Japan Temple site groundbreaking ceremony and dedication and there is FINALLY some visible progress on construction as of March 7, 2021! Over the last week, a digger showed up and started some surface-level excavation. You can see several small piles of rubble, including one closer to the nearest fence. Okay, it isn't much progress--we're still basically just "breaking ground"--but we'll take it! 😀