#GiveThanks Day 1

I'm not much of a social media user but I'm going to share a few gratitude thoughts related to temple and family history over the next week. I'll likely keep them pretty short but I hope they are still useful to you. I think all of us can benefit from reflecting on our many blessings--yes, everyone has many--as a form of positive thinking.

Thought for Day 1: I am incredibly grateful for the blessing of having temples on the earth. (As of today, there are 159 temples operating, 8 dedicated temples under renovation, and 63 additional temples under construction and/or announced throughout the world.) In particular, I am grateful for temples because they allow us to access the amazing blessing of having our families sealed together forever--"for all eternity"--through sacred ceremonies prescribed by God. Regardless of the difficulties and challenges we encounter in life, if we maintain faith and continue to do our best in following Jesus Christ and keeping His commandments, our family relationships can be perpetuated forever through temple ordinances. What comfort, peace, and hope this brings to me.



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