Free Family History Research Help During RootsTech 2021

I recently saw the exciting news that there will be free family research help as part of RootsTech 2021 You can receive help in two primary ways:

Group sessions, which will be held generally between midnight and 7am Japan time, are being offered on the following topics:

  • British Isles
  • Nordic Countries
  • Asian Countries
  • Germany
  • Latin American Countries
  • US and Canada
  • FamilySearch Research Wiki
  • Digital Library
For the personal online consultations, the point is to get more customized help so there is a huge variety topics you can choose from. Consultations, which are mostly available in the mornings Japan time, are offered in four languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese (presumably Mandarin). One extra fantastic part of this opportunity is that the online consultations are available between February 18th and 28th!!! I hope many people will be able to take advantage of this great opportunity.


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